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“ALDYMANYAT ALRAYDT ALMTHDT” is one of the prestigious companies, classified as Civil, MEP and Facilities Management services provider company.

Road Works

Overview :

Road Milling is an integral part of the construction cycle of any road used to remove an old and worn wearing course or the entire asphalt pavement. It can also be used to improve the surface friction or remove ruts on a wearing course that is otherwise in good condition. This technology is not only cost-effective but also saves on a considerable amount of natural resources which are fast depleting from the surface of this planet.

Our milling machines are used for the quick, highly efficient removal of asphalt and concrete pavements. In doing so, they create an even, true-to-profile base for the construction of new surface courses of uniform layer thickness.


  • Pavement repair is done at an affordable price
  • It helps to preserve the original pavement height.
  • It helps to keep the roads’ drainage flowing smoothly.
  • It is environmentally friendly.
  • Earthen roads.
  • Gravel roads.
  • Murrum roads.
  • Kankar roads.
  • WBM roads.
  • Bituminous roads.
  • Concrete roads.
  • Earthwork. Before any work is started, the area on which the road is going to be constructed should be cleared of all vegetation and obstruction.
  • Subbase and Base Course. …
  • Surface Course. 
  • Road Marking.


  • Asphalt Milling
  • Concrete Road Milling
  • Fine Milling for Correction of Roughness of Pavements
  • Creation of Rumble Strips Using Milling Machines
  • Milling Around Manholes