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“ALDYMANYAT ALRAYDT ALMTHDT” is one of the prestigious companies, classified as Civil, MEP and Facilities Management services provider company.


Overview :

maintenance is the service done by technicians or mechanics to manage machinery and equipment to increase uptime in order to meet the business objectives. It is used across multiple industries and can involve troubleshooting, fixing, and replacing equipment to improve asset performance.

When a piece of equipment keeps running at its expected capacity, production operations are likewise sustained. Having a maintenance plan reduces maintenance costs, maximizes uptime potential, and ultimately increases profitability.

Relying on a third-party service contractor to repair failed components after the fact is not a sustainable maintenance plan. In addition to the high servicing costs with third-party contractors, this approach puts you at a higher risk of unscheduled downtime from a sudden, unexpected failure.

A proper maintenance plan can identify maintenance tasks that prevent failures in the first place, saving your company more in the long term.

The role of a maintenance department is therefore broader than before, and managers and technicians are involved in structural projects that must integrate many parameters such as cost and deadlines, quality, safety or the environment.

industrial maintenance includes

Reactive Maintenance

As the name suggests, reactive maintenance is concerned with tasks that come after a piece of equipment breaks down. The advantage of reactive maintenance is that the initial costs are significantly lower. Maintenance tasks are only carried out when a machine is already showing signs of poor performance.

The downsides of reactive maintenance outweigh the short-term benefits. The cost of performing minimal maintenance is the likelihood of irreversible damage from sudden failure. These failures typically result in production losses, with worse cases leading to the damage of critical equipment. For assets that are essential for operations, perform reactive maintenance only as a last resort.

Industrial Engineer

Industrial engineers develop processes that they ensure can be carried out efficiently and effectively. They optimize resources by planning, designing, and implementing the operations of a company. With the use of mathematical models and analysis tools, industrial engineers are able to make decisions on the maintenance strategies to employ.

In contrast with mechanics, industrial engineers are less likely to perform the actual execution of tasks. Instead, they are more concerned with the planning stages of the maintenance activity. For example, an industrial engineer might collaborate with maintenance teams and management to assign the most suitable maintenance strategy to a machine.

Planning industrial maintenance in advance is important to maintaining both the quality of the equipment and the quality of the final product. These days, there are computer applications to help planners and schedulers perform their job quickly and efficiently – allocating the appropriate people and resources based on the level of priority and equipment availability for maintenance work.

A company’s maintenance process must be in accordance with the company’s policies, safety and regulatory compliance requirements, and asset-driven needs. Most of these requirements can be met with preventive maintenance strategies. Since there are many different types of industrial maintenance that can be applied, let’s level set with some definitions.